{"comments":{"1415254":{"pb_id":"20596","pb_type":"members","likes":"0","parent_id":"0","pid":"1415254","comment_id":"1415254","member_id":"20596","comment":"SUB5 Running Camp is in its 19th year. My goal with this camp has always been to INSPIRE the young girls to believe in themself, to create a DESIRE and PASSION within her. I want to send her home with tools in her tool box so she can ACHIEVE her goals. I dont think you can accomplish these goals without making it an all girls environment. I want the girls to feel a freedom to discuss issues that are not discussed. The YMCA and Camp Benson has afforded me the opportunity to offer all the challenges and venue to go after what needs to be done. We control the kitchen, the adventures, the challenges and the hard issues. This camp is not your typical running camp. If the young women wants challenge herself spend a week at SUB5. I can guarentee she will think very differently when she goes home","date_added":"Oct 1st 2015, 3:43pm","nest":0,"liked":false,"member":[],"can_delete":false,"item_id":155541,"item_type":"video","pb_image":"\/\/www.runnerspace.com\/forum\/uploads\/av-20596.jpg","pb_title":"runsub5","pb_url":"profile.php?member_id=20596","pb_url_dns":"https:\/\/runsub5.runnerspace.com\/","pb_wally_id":"459634"}},"last_id":"1415254","url":"comments.php?item_type=video&item_id=155541&item_url=profile.php?member_id=20596"}